Thursday, 14 October 2010
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Shot List
High angle: For both party and performance scenes
To emphasis the number of people at the party
To contribute to the different view of the band
Low angle: Party, performance and street scenes
To help show that the people at the party are dancing
To help emphasis the success and size of the band
To help show the height of which the neighbour is at.
Pan: Party, performance and street scenes
To emphasis the amount of people at the party
To show how many people the is annoying
To emphasis the amount of people who can fit in 1 car
Zoom (in): To create an enigma effect
Making the audience wonder, who it is in the shot.
Zoom (out): To help show who is actually in the shot more clearly
Over the shoulder: Neighbourhood and computer scenes
To show why neighbour is annoyed
To show what people are looking at on a computer sceens
Extreme Close-up: To empathises what someone if doing in a particular shot
Close-up: To give a better idea to what someone is doing
Medium shot: To help shot the size of something and to show more than one item in any particular shot.
Long shot: To emphasis the size of something (big or small)
Establishing shot: To emphasise how small someone feels.
Asset List
Filming Equipment:
- Recording camera
- Tripod
- Recording tape
- SnorriCam [if available]
- Makeup
- Makeup removal wipes
- Music (to play in background)
Prop Equipment:
- Microphone and stand
- Two guitars
- Bass
- Drum kit
- Drum sticks
- Two guitar amps
- 1 bass amp
- 1 vocal amp
- Ice bucket
- Laptop/Computer & equipment
- Chairs
- 2 Cars
- Pool
- Bed
- Messy room
- Messy Driveway (door)
- Farce space (middle of nowhere)
- Row of houses
- 2 houses opposite
Party- Going out but Casual clothing
- Plain top with jeans/skirt and trainers/pumps
- Plain black tops with trousers and shoes
Band Members: Lead singer/Guitarist/Basist/Drummer
- Colourful top with black/blue jeans and trainers/boots
- Plain top with checked shirt with black/blue jeans and trainers/boots
Any thing else:
I will also need to think about weather conditions while filming outside. I will be using a pool for some of the filming therefore I will need to make sure everyone involved has warm clothing incase they get cold.
I will also need to think about weather conditions while filming outside. I will be using a pool for some of the filming therefore I will need to make sure everyone involved has warm clothing incase they get cold.
For when I am filiming using cars I need to have the people in the shots to sign a health and saftey form to say that they give their permission to act in a car
Risk Assessment What are the potential hazards and how will they be resolved? The Car | |
Whilst filming | Make sure that the person driving is fully concentrating on where to go and that the camera or tripod is not in the way. |
The Tripod | Make sure that when or when not using the camera that it is not a tripping hazard and is only where it is essential to be for the filming. |
Downstairs of house | |
Ornaments | Remove all breakable and valuable ornaments or objects from the room and place in a locked room. |
Tripod | Make sure no-one walks past and knocks it over – we will do this by placing the camera in a part of the room that no-one should be allowed walk into. |
School Auditorium | |
Chairs & tables | Make sure they are out of the way so they do no become a tripping hazard and make sure they are not in the shot. |
Mats | Move all mats to the side of the room to stop them forming a tripping hazard |
Lighting equipment (when lowered) | Make sure there are no objects (camera and tripod) or people underneath them while they are being lowered. Also when moving the lights into position, make sure they are not too hot to touch, if they are then use a cloth to touch them. |
I understand that any action I do that changes the desired outcome of these hazards is of my own doing and can do nothing about it.
Signed:…………………………………… Date:………………………..
Production Schedule
Day 1: Evening – Car Scenes
Shot 1: A person stranded in a wood sort of area (perhaps Dartford heath)
Camera at an establishing shot distance away, zoomed into a medium shot, then then with in the shot the camera zooms out at a fair aped to a long shot.
Shot 2: P.O.V shot of driver (perhaps lead singer) pulling up in car facing the stranded person.
Shot 3: Car driving along with band inside with camera in a second car (following shot) zoomed in on one particular member then car speeds past camera and out of shot.
Shot 4: Car at a standstill with loads of people crammed in,
Pan shot round car starting from driver’s side, round the front of car to reveal someone still trying to get in the passenger side.
Shot 5: Adult couple driving away from house with the lead standing in the doorway waving (smugly) goodbye.
Wide shot from across street.
Shot 6: Adult couple driving towards house, with worried looks as there is a mess in the driveway.
Wide shot, but zoomed in on faces, zooming out as they get nearer. (Tracking shot?)
Day 2: Neighbourhood/ pool/ computer scenes
Shot 1: Neighbour yelling out of window.
Low angle zoomed into medium shot.
Shot 2: Second neighbour sitting in living room with their hands over their eyes, the facial expression looking as if their in pain.
Close-up shot
Window over the shoulder of person, and outside a group of kids entering the house opposite for the party.
Shot 3: A line of 2 or more houses, turning lights on, one-after-another
Long shot ‘We’re waking everyone asleep’
Shot 4: Car driving down street, windows down, with neighbours turning to look as it drives past.
Shot 5: Group of girls sitting at end of pool with legs dangling in.
Long shot from far end of pool, zooming in as song moves on.
Shot 6: Couple of girls sitting infront of laptop
Medium shot from behind laptop
Shot 7: Couple of girls sitting infront of laptop
Over shoulder shot so that audience can see screen
Shot 8: Lead singer making facebook even on computer
Over shoulder shot of computer.
Zoom in on event part of screen
Day 3 & 4: (TBC) Performance scene
Shot 1: Medium shot of band performing
Shot 2: High angle of band performing
Shot 3: Low angle of band performing
Shot 4: Close-up of lead
Shot 5: Medium shot of lead
Shot 6: Extreme close-up of bass guitarist
Panning up neck of guitar
Shot 7: Arial shot of guitarist
Panning round
Shot 8: Low angler of guitarist
Shot 9: Extreme close-up up of the guitar body
Panning upwards
Shot 10: Close up of band performing
Panning round room left to right
Shot 11: Close up of band performing
Panning round room right to left
Day 5: Party Scenes
Shot 1: Extreme close-up of person about to be sick
Shot 2: Someone pushing the sick person outside
Shot 3: Sick person bending over bucket about to be sick
Shot 4: Room full of people dancing
High angle
Shot 5: Room full of people dancing
Low angle
Shot 6: Room full of people dancing
High pan
Shot 7: Room full of people dancing
Low pan
Shot 8: Room full of people dancing
High zoom out
Shot 9: Boy grabs girl and spins her around to face him
Extreme close-up of hands joined then zoom out the medium shot of both
Friday, 8 October 2010
Storyboard Plan
Story Board Planning
Saturday Night
This first page is approximately 10 seconds long, the part of the song that goes with it is entirely instrumental. I plan to have clips of the band performing, the members on their own performing, with one or two clips of the fans watching the webcam show.
The other 8 seconds will be clips of the narrative, such as with the line 'when my parents outta town' will be a clip of the parents driving of, away from the house with the son standing in the doorway waving smugly goodbye.With this page there will be a mixture of driving, picking up people and images of scenes at a party.
There will be a mixture of close-ups medium shots, and a fish eye effect on one or two of the clips.
This page has a mixture of fish eye effect, tracking shot, zooms and pans.
The clips will rang from the band performing to party scenes and clips from by a pool.
Zooms, Close-ups pans, and long shots will be use with this page. An extreme close up of someone about to throw up, will be used with the line '...and if somebody's feeling sick...'
The first couple of clips with this page are from the chorus.
A mixture of the band, individual members, party and clips linked to the party.
This shots will consist of close-ups, following shots, pans, zido/virticol and long shots.
After Deciding on a song, I started to breakdown the song into about 2 second gaps, where I thought of what to do at each stage.
Once I had made this timeline I took screen shots of each postit note and compiled them into a video last about the same amount of time as the actuall song, using pans and zooms that I thought I could use for that specific shot.
Once I had made this timeline I took screen shots of each postit note and compiled them into a video last about the same amount of time as the actuall song, using pans and zooms that I thought I could use for that specific shot.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
First three proposals
My music video proposals
1)My first proposal is Saturday Night by McFly. I would have at least two performers for the singing parts, and quite a few extra, to create the “party feel”.
Normally in music videos you would have the band performing on stage, however I thought I would have them performing over a live broadcast, via webcam.
When thinking of costumes, I thought the band could go for the smart but casual look while performing, and when at the party everyone could wear, a similar but different style to the band.
Some scenes at the party would be filmed in swimwear and others in full clothes.
There would be a variety of locations used, such as; a house for, party and pool scenes, a single room that looks like a studio and perhaps a car.
I could use multiply camera angles/shots & movements such as; canted angle, tilt, and following shot.
And editing I thought of was a split screen, in place of/ or as well as a shot-reverse shot.
2) My second proposal is Girls just wanna have fun by Cyndi Lauper. I would have one maybe two singers to take the main singing role.
I would use varied locations; a hall by a telephone, reaction shot in a second and third house on the telephone, a street walking home, a room full of people (mainly girls) having a party/sleepover, and in the main doorway of a house.
For some narrative Ideas I thought the girls could be playing the game ‘Just Dance’, either a party or sleepover.
I thought about using the editing technique of a split screen, where it talks about using the phone.
I could different camera angles/shots and movements such as; two-shot, hand-held, and perhaps a focus pull.
3)My third proposal is Barbie Girl by Aqua. I would have to main singers, male and female, and a few extra people.
I would use a variety of camera shots/angles and movements such as; passing shot, subjective camera, pan and two-shot.
I would using a few locations such as; in a car (driving along & stationary), in a bedroom (getting ready), and at a party.
The main female could have different coloured hair in separate scenes, or multi-coloured.
Narrative ideas consist of; driving along in a car, getting ready for a night out, and a conversation over the phone. The line of ‘You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink’ The main male could be holding a doll dressed in rock ‘n’ roll clothes and pink hair.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Remake of Bad Touch Video
Now that I have finished editing, I have realised the things that could have been improved, went well and should not be done in the future.
Team work went fairly well due to the fact that we took turns in using the camera and incouraged each other when needed. However we did laugh to much in most of the beginning shots, therefore the entire filming sequence to longer than expected.
When using the camera we found that it was harder, than first thought. To be able to keep a steady shot, you need a steady arm or a tri-pod should be considered.
Before we even stared to film, we had to plan, which was not done with a considerabe amount of thought. Even though we made a small story board, we should have made a short list of what we needed and what had to be done. There was also not enough rehersal time, therefore when planning my actuall music video, I need to allow enought time before filming for rehersals. Designing a story board and creating a shorting is important when creating any sort of video, so that everyone knows where they need to be and what they are supposed to be doing.
The way that we organised and prepared the props and costumes could have been better, as it was sorted out right at the last minute, therefore I know for future reference that these need to be prepared durring the planning stage, as this will save possible filming time.
One main thing I have learnt while filming is that any person singing in the shot needs to be in sync with the music and lyrics.
While editing I have learnt that you need to be patience as it takes a long time to get the shots you need organised and the lip sync right with the music. If you dont have this patence editing can become very fustrating.
I have also learnt to keep saving different versions as I went along. As I was editing the video the program we where using kept shutting down therefore more time was taken up with re-opening the program.
From editing I have learnt new and different skills, involving speed control; slowing it down, speeding it up, but also reversing the entire shot so that every action was reversed. Other skills included; moving different clips around, importing new files, exporting and compressing the finished product. I also learnt how to transform a clip which ranged from; horizonally flipping the clip, cropping the clip then re-sizing it so it fits the screen.
Both Editing and Filming
Learning to Lip Sync was important not only for filming but for editing as well. I found that when I was saying the lyrics, I was not actually in time with the music. Most of I was either too fast or too slow, a couple of times it was okay, but there was one or two lines where i mucked the lyrics up, not realising at the time that it would take real effect on the editing. Even though there was a few messed up lines, these could mainly be corrected in editing but either slowing the clip down or speeding it up. This helped with the words but then the actions where out of proportion. However nearly all of them I kept the same, otherwise the actions looked ridiclously fast or slow, in proportion to the music.
We also found that we could have been better equiped with planning every little detail, due to the fact that we did not actually know what we were doing and when. If we had of know what actions and lyrics went were then I feel the filming could have been much smoother, therefore I now know for future refence to make sure I as the camera man but also the people I will have acting know what they are doing so that, when it comes to actually filming, no-ones too embaressed to perform in public.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
My music video Proposal
The song I have chosen to make a music video for is ‘Saturday Night’ by McFly. Which the lyrics, tell the story which should be told.
One of my main ideas is to have the performers in front of a webcam performing. Filming from many different angles. Such as high angle, canted angle and perhaps and arc shot. I would also film a few fans watching this performance on their home computers, using an over the shoulder shot so show the performance on screen. To get this performance from many different angles, I would have to film it many times using one angle at a time possibly with a projection on a wall behind them, then during the editing process I will then be able to fit these into the video.
When filming the narrative side of the song, I was thinking of using a couple of cars, one of which I would use for the performers to drive along in while I am in the other car with the camera using a following shot of them driving. Another scene I thought I could do with the cars is, while the performer’s car is stationary I thought I would film a load of people getting in, during the line ‘...then I’ll come and pick you up...’
I have also thought about filming the performers in colour and the extras in black and white for some of the scene, perhaps during the lyrics, ‘...get a little talk from my dad...’
I also thought that I could do a bit of tracking in the editing stage where I take a shot of the performers and zoom out and its on the computer screen.
Most of my influence have come from videos McFly have already made , and other videos of the same genre, such as Busted and Jonas Brothers
I have sent McFly a message to ask if I can use this song, the only way I could find, via Twitter.
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